Ogólne warunki umowy o współpracy z Siberian Health GmbH

§1 Definitions and terms
§2 Subject of the Agreement
§3 Agreement Conclusion/Consultant's Status
§4 Obligations of Siberian Health
§5 Training
§6 Information materials
§7 Consultant's responsibilities
§8 Conversion
§9 Illicit competition prohibition
§10 Non-disclosure obligations
§11 Protection of intellectual property rights
§12 Promotional and PR activities
§13 Liability
§14 Liabilities for product
§15 New Consultants attraction
§16 Spouses
§17 Protection of rights to attract new Consultants
§18 Double registration prohibition
§19 Integrity of the personal group
§20 Commissions crediting principles
§21 Calculation and payment of commissions
§22 Right to VAT offset
§23 Agreement validity period
§24 Consequences of Agreement expiration
§25 Mutual settlements of debts
§26 Statue of limitations
§27 Sanctions
§28 Final provisions
§29 Rights to make amendments
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